Nutrition and Health
Nutrition and Health (GK) Interest is dedicated to developing education, improving knowledge and management skills in the field of nutrition and is dedicated to educating nutrition-health managers and researchers in the field of nutrition.
- The Master of Nutrition and Health will organize educational and teaching activities in order to improve nutritional knowledge for Masters and Doctoral students and for UGM Medical Faculty staff.
- The Master of Nutrition and Health will endeavor research activities that can be used to further develop nutritional science, both basic nutritional knowledge, community nutrition, and clinical nutrition. The research activity forum developed by the Master of Nutrition and Health is the Center for Human Health and Nutrition (PKGM). The research forum in the Master of Nutrition and Health is the Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Journal (JGKI) which has been accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education.
- The Master of Nutrition and Health helps overcome community nutritional problems and improve the nutritional status of the community through practical activities in the field, including in the form of cooperation with the Health Office, Regional Government, and the local Regional Planning Agency (Bapeda).
Duration of education:
Effective duration of education is 24-28 months (4 semesters). Lectures are carried out on campus every day. The on-campus period is 3-5 months / semester. At the end of semester II, students have worked on a research proposal.
Prospective participants:
- Lecturers from Universities and Private Universities who have the competence to develop nutritional science.
- Health Center Doctors and Bachelor of Nutrition at the Regency and Provincial levels.
- Bachelor of Nutrition at state and private hospitals.
- Other scholars whose fields of study are related to nutritional science, including: Faculty of Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Agriculture, Public Health, Veterinary Medicine, and Pharmacy from state or private universities.
- Other scholars not mentioned above can take the Nutrition and Family Health concentration.